Information for the accountant

The rental marketplace will generate two new kind of cashflow to the club:

  1. Rental cashflow, which will be creditet to the members as giftcards. This cashflow is VAT 0%. The duration of the giftcard is defined by the club.
  2. Handling fees with normal VAT %. The handling fees are automatically commissioned to Dorent as a compensation for the rental marketplace maintenance.

Reporting the cashflow

Printing the monthly summary

Liikuntakeskus Hukka Oy2

  • You need admin rights in order to access the reports from the Dorent footer.

Saample printable report

  • Select ”Transaction reports” from the left navigation. Select the desired timeperiod and press ”Search”. Next select ”Print”.

Content of the Transaction report

Sample printable report.pdf
  • Giftcard: The amount that has been earned by your members as giftcards
  • Income: Handling fee charged from the buyer
  • Commission: Commission paid ot Dorent. Equals Income.
  • Used credits: The giftcard credits used by the members at the club.
  • Expired credits: Giftcard credits that have been expired
  • Credit adjustments: Possible credit refunds (i.e. service desk accidentally deducted too much credit from member)
  • Balance: The outstanding giftcard balance at the moment the report was ran.