Dorent supports Stripe, which can accept all major debit and credit cards from customers in every country in 100+ currencies
Handling fee is added on top of each rental offer and each payment includes automatically the handling fee.
You will need a confirmation code in order to be identified at the service provider. The only way to get the confirmation code is to make the online payment.
You don’t need to do anything. Your offer remains in the marketplace until it reaches the minimum rental period.
The rental transactions are made between consumers and the seller has already received a giftcard from your payment. This means that you are not able to get your money back.
You should go to the club and either show them your confirmation code you received after the payment, or optionally you can just tell your name at the reception desk. They will identify you and give you your access right.
This is a great way to enjoy flexibility from you service. You can get paid for the time you are not using the service.
No. The service runs on browser and no application needs to be downloaded.
You will only receive emails that are related to the rental process. For example, you will be notified if your offer is purchased or if it reaches the minimum rental period.
You just need to contact your service provider and tell them you earned a giftcard. They will help you onwards.
There is no separate cost for using the rental platform. All the costs are covered in the handling fees paid by the buyers.
Yes, definitely. You can create a private offer, which can only be purchased by people that you shared the secret link with.
The offer might be locked as you tried to buy it already. It is reserved for you for a while and released back to the market within 15 minutes. Just have a coffee and check if it has appeared back to the marketplace.
You might not have the access right to leave an offer yet. Let your service provider know that you couldn’t create an offer and they will update your access rights.
The system expects you to use the same details that you used previously. Make sure you use the same details or ask your service provider to provide you with that information.
Tell your service provider and they will send the link to your email.